Despite the various reading material available in digital and print media nowadays, there really cannot be the one ideal guide for financial planning. What you invest in and how, is directly proportional to your goals in life, your willingness to take risks, your age and the corpus you have created. There is no one-fits-all solution and hence the need for financial advisory. As per a study last year, 70% of Indian investors are working with professional financial…
There are arguments against financial planning that say it makes you take life too seriously. Well, unless you are born into the King’s family, we suggest it is rather prudent to take life seriously! Another wrong notion here is about the amount of corpus (read large) you must have, to begin planning your finances. However, the less of a millionaire you are, the more important it becomes to understand and be in good terms with…
A study of 1,000 senior citizens conducted by LendEDU in the US reveals the biggest regret among elders in not saving enough for retirement. The concerns are not much different from what can be witnessed in urban India. The situation may be worse in India since financial literacy is very poor compared to developed economies. The worst feeling post-retirement is to ask for help from others to meet your basic requirements or to compromise with…
When Sharma Ji ka ladka gets a job with a decent salary, he is urged by his parents to buy a house as soon as possible on loan and pay EMIs. There is a traditional mindset of having own house which percolates from parents to their young generation. What was right in old days is not right today when everything about lifestyle has changed so drastically. Buying a house early in your career is not correct based…