Everyone loves a rising market. The longer, the better—what everyone wishes for. This creates the wealth effect, which leads to higher consumption and spending and thus contributes to GDP growth, which feeds into higher stock prices. Under all the glitz and glory, something is becoming unfavorable.There is a bad in every good thing and a good in every bad thing. Like the circle of life, good times are followed by bad times, and bad times…
This is probably one of the best podcasts out there on personal finance & investment topics.This beautifully explains why debt/loans can cause a lethal blow to your finances. A lot of wealth & lives have been destroyed because overconfidence led people to take on more loans than they should have.As loans increase, you narrow the range of outcomes you can endure in life.If you are someone who believes that taking a loan cannot be a…
In my multiple conversations with investors during the bull-run since 2014, there was no one who said that I will not take advantage of investing in equity when the market will crash. In good times i.e. when the market valuations are usually very high, everyone agrees to the logic of buying low and selling high. But interestingly, very few implement this strategy. Instead, the majority tend to invest when markets are going higher and higher,…