
This is probably one of the best podcasts out there on personal finance & investment topics.

This beautifully explains why debt/loans can cause a lethal blow to your finances. A lot of wealth & lives have been destroyed because overconfidence led people to take on more loans than they should have.

As loans increase, you narrow the range of outcomes you can endure in life.

If you are someone who believes that taking a loan cannot be a problem, you must listen to this.

It also explains the importance of investing in debt instruments (like MFs, bonds, FDs, etc.) and why it is an important asset class for your portfolio.

If you are someone who thinks investing in the debt asset class that offers 7-8% returns per annum is not a good idea, you must listen to this.

This 39-minute conversation between legendary Howard Marks and Morgan Housel will teach you more than anyone else regarding human psychology and how to increase your endurance in life by staying on course with your finances.

Do yourself a favour, and listen to this without delay: https://www.youtube.com/

Originally posted on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/sumitduseja

Truemind Capital is a SEBI Registered Investment Management & Personal Finance Advisory platform. You can write to us at connect@truemindcapital.com or call us at 9999505324.


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